Friday, October 4, 2013

Irish Hiking Scarf =DONE

And the scarf is finally done. It felt like it took forever to finish, but it probably was around 2-2.5 weeks. I still have to iron it out and perhaps block it. The pattern was relatively easy to do, which was nice and I didn't have to 100% follow the pattern.

Here are some pictures of me wearing it!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Family and knitwear

One of my favourite pictures of my family in Newfoundland -the Lodge's. In this picture I am wearing a sweater that my great-Aunt knit (from the Clouter side). I inherited it from my Grandma Clouter (well, actually, it was sitting in a drawer in my Grandma Clouter's house and I asked if I could have it). I love this picture for a few reasons: I am with my father and grandfather who have both passed away; I am in Newfoundland, and I am wearing a beautiful knit sweater that I hope one day I will be able to knit one day myself. My whole family, the Lodge's and Clouter's, are part of this picture!